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PC Station AGC680

Ditambahkan pada: 9 August 2012 / Kategori:
Kode : AGC680
Stok : Habis
Dilihat : 2698 kali
Review : 4 reviews
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Deskripsi PC Station AGC680

PC Station AGC680

pc station T680

pc station T680

Specification pc station AGC680:

Size: Access Device:  115*115 *26 mm; Shipping Size: 235*145*40mm

Weight: Net Weight: 154g; Shipping weight (includes power adapter, packaging, documentation, etc.): 0.56 kg

Power Supply: Input: 100-250 VAC, 50-60 Hz; Output: 5 VDC, 2 A; Nominal consumption: 5 Watts

LED Indicators: Power: connection to power supply, LAN: network activity, Ready: device status

Connection to Host PC: Via 100 Mb/s switched Ethernet connection

Video Resolution: Support 640×480, 880×600, 1024×768, 1280×720, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1440*900….

Audio: Stereo output via speaker port and Mic in via mic port

Onboard CPU ARM926EJ 533MHz

Memory Onboard 32 MB RAM (can be increased)

Storage Onboard 1G Flash (can be increased)

Internal Hardware: All solid-state design. No moving parts, no fans, no local user storage. Network PC Station System-on-Chip with embedded Network PC Station operating firmware (no local user OS).

Reliability (MTBF): >>100,000 hours (calculated using Bellcore Issue 6 TR-332, Case 2, Part I at 40°C)

HW Security: No local user storage

Max # Users Per PC: No limitation when using a server host OS (i.e. Windows Server 2003)

max 25 users when using a desktop OS (i.e. Windows XP)

User Software: PC Station terminal services software

Supported OS: Windows Server 2000/2003/2008/vista, Windows NT 4.0-Terminal Server edition, Citrix Winframe Server

Kit Contents: PC STATIONS Kit includes access terminal, power supply, software installation & user’s guide and other peripherals are NOT included and must be purchased separately.

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PC Station AGC680

4 review untuk PC Station AGC680

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